Shipping and Return Policy

The actual book that you see on our website may differ slightly from what’s shown, due to lighting differences, individual PC monitor colour settings, photography styles, etc.

If deemed fit for return, we will replace the returned items (subject to availability), free of cost or you can select another book in same price else refund you for the cost of the books, to the credit/debit card used to make the purchase. If you have used the Cash-on-delivery option to make the payment, we will transfer the refunded amount to your bank account. (Details to be given in the Returns and Exchanges form).

If Damage or any other complaints, customers should send written complaint to or register complaint via our website with 48 hours after receiving the books unless it's considered as a proper deliver.

Shipping Partners

We use accredited shipping partners including Indian Post, Speed Post, etc. We may use other shipping parties depending on the exigencies of the book(s) to be delivered.

Standard Delivery Times

All orders placed before 4 pm are handed over to the courier the same day itself. Usual delivery time ranges from 5 -7 days. Delivery times may get extended in case of either of the following:-

  1. The area in which the product is to be delivered is not serviceable by our shipping partners.

  2. Inability to verify the details of customer in case of COD payment method.

In case of product tampering or shipment not delivered to your address, please contact our customer care at: 0484 2338 324